Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Vitamin E for Scars

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means that it snatches up free radicals, mostly in the skin, and transports them elsewhere for removal from the body.
You'll find many people touting the use of vitamin E on scar tissue these days. They will often claim that it can make any kind of scar disappear within a few months. The honest truth is that vitamin E doesn't appear to help heal scar tissue.

In a 1999 study following patients after cancer surgery, doctors applied an ointment containing vitamin E to a part of the scar tissue and applied an ointment without the vitamin to the other half of the scar. The scar tissue healed at the same rate with both ointments and on a negative side the vitamin E ointment gave some patients contact dermatitis, which is red and itchy skin.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means that it snatches up free radicals, mostly in the skin, and transports them elsewhere for removal from the body. It also protects other antioxidants from oxidizing and becoming dangerous in the body, such as Vitamin A. It is involved in the metabolism of cells, but doesn't change cells such as skin tissue. Therefore it should have no direct effect on the improved appearance of scar tissue when applied topically. It is a nice supplement for your skin in general and will help prevent damage caused by free radicals that leads to premature aging.

People who have gained a visual improvement to their skin from applying Vitamin E probably gained it due to the massaging motions of their fingers while rubbing in the oil. Scar tissue is actually skin tissue with a lot of collagen fibers in it. When a wound is healing the collagen served as a bridge connecting the skin. It is tough and firm, but scar tissue can be broken down with continuous regular massage. Also Vitamin E is fat soluble and usually sold as an oil. The oil helps to soften skin tissue and makes it look better overall, if you don't have an allergic reaction to the vitamin E. Unfortunately some people are genetically predisposed to getting scar tissue when a wound heals, while others are not. It may be that those who claim a benefit from applying the vitamin E are simply people who aren't genetically disposed towards developing scar tissue.

A good way to prevent scars is to avoid picking at a scab. This will tear at the collagen fibers and make the wound look worse. Make sure to keep your wound clean and covered with a Band-Aid or gauze. There is the idea that wounds heal better when left open to the air, but many kinds of wounds need moisture to heal and the air will simply dry it out. Also you may think about taking an oral vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is involved with the creation of new skin tissue and this can help your wounds heal better.


How can I get rid of my scars

There might be the case when you ask your friends on how to get rid of scars. Let’s know what this article exactly talks about and what the scars are? When there is an injury, our skin automatically produces more cells in order to re-grow the injured skin. This tissue is known as scars. These scars are easily visible because the cells that grow in making up the scars are of lesser quality than the original cells. They are less resistant to UV radiation and are not able to grow any hair since they have no follicles.

When we look for the questions likes ‘how can I get rid of my scars’ or ‘how can I remove my scars’, we should be well familiar with the fact that scars can never be completely healed. There are a number of medical and cosmetic methods to cover up scars, but none of them can claim to remove them completely.

There are many natural and herbal treatments to remove scars. These herbal methods are safe, simple and cost effective. These methods are generally simple home treatments, and they have no harmful effects. You can try these methods before going in for complicated surgical procedures.

Herbal remedies to remove scars

There are several natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat scars by opening the kitchen cabinet. These herbal methods are inexpensive and safe to use.

- Cucumber - The cucumber is very helpful in the removal of scar tissues. Prepare a paste of cucumber and apply directly onto the scars. This will help the scars to smoothen out after a few applications left overnight.

- Indian Gooseberry - The Indian gooseberry (amalaki) is very beneficial in the prevention of scars after healing. Gooseberry is a good source of vitamin C, which is very essential for cementing the open wounds.

- Garlic - Cut a clove of garlic into half and rub it on the acne scars. This helps to treat the acne without leaving a scar behind later on.

- Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera is also an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of residual scars. Its juice acts as natural bleach. When applied directly onto the scars it helps the scar to slowly reduce and vanish.


Treatment of Deep Acne Scars

Treatment methods and tips for deep rooted acne scars. The skin has a natural renewal process where the old skin is continuously replaced by the new. However, deep scars need additional treatment to go with it.
Deep Acne scars are usually caused by severe acne like cystic acne. Although, a permanent cure may not always be possible, there are a few useful treatment methods that can be followed to greatly reduce the scarring.

Skin Renewal Process:

Our skin consists of many layers. The upper layer of the skin is called the epidermis which has about 4 layers. As the skin grows old, the cells from the lower most layers of the epidermis keep getting pushed to the topmost layers and there they eventually die. As the cells die, they are again replaced by newer skin cells from the lower layers. This is a natural phenomenon by which our skin renews itself. The above skin renewal process is the natural way by which the acne scars and blemishes are removed as the old skin wears itself out.

Deep Scars Removal:

But, if the scars happen to be deep, the renewed new skin would also contain the scar. Some scars take long time to heal while others could be permanent and may require appropriate medical treatment.

Various treatments for deep acne scars are available and can be chosen depending on the depth and severity of scarring and the nature of ones skin. Some of the popular methods for treating deep scars are Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, and Laser treatment. Sometimes, surgery and skin grafting can be resorted for treating deep skin scars and pits that result because of severe acne. It is very important to be informed about the pros and cons of the scar removal treatments before choosing an appropriate one, as some treatments if done wrong could result in further worsening the the existing condition.


How to Prevent a Wound from Scarring

Some people think that a scab promotes healing in a wound. This is not true. A scab is dead cell material that deprives the tissue underneath of nutrients and moisture which is necessary for the regeneration of skin tissue. Scabs prevent the skin from growing flush with the surface of the skin and, therefore, are the cause of scarring. New skin tissue grows underneath the scab at a lower level than the rest of the skin. When the scab falls off, the new skin tissue that grew underneath remains at the lower level, creating deformity of the skin. In order to prevent scarring, a wound has to be treated properly from the beginning, allowing the new skin to re-grow flush with the level of the rest of the skin.

A breakthrough in wound care has been discovered utilizing a special type of honey known as Manuka Honey. This medical grade honey is produced from the nectar of the Manuka bush which is indigenous to New Zealand. Manuka Honey provides a moist, healing environment that is not only effective in healing wounds efficiently but also lifts scabs away from the surface of the wound. Manuka Honey contains vitamins, nutrients, amino acids and sugars which play a role in collagen synthesis for the reduction of scars. Manuka Honey also creates a protective barrier around the newly grown skin which prevents scabs from forming.

In addition to preventing scars, Manuka Honey provides the following benefits for wound healing:

* A moist and sterile environment conducive for the regeneration of skin growth;
* Antioxidant activity that decreases that amount of destructive free radicals;
* Anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce swelling and relieve pain;
* Debriding action that allows easy detachment of scabs and dead tissue;
* Increases in blood circulation to the wound;
* Osmotic effect that draws exudate and impurities from the wound;
* Reduction of wound odor by preventing ammonia production;
* Antibacterial properties that heal infection.

Perhaps one of the most encouraging benefits to using Manuka Honey as a wound dressing is that it has no known side effects. If the idea of putting honey on a wound is undesirable, a manufacturer of skin care products called Honeymark has developed a First Aid Antiseptic Lotion containing Active Manuka Honey as a healing agent. This product takes the sticky mess out of using honey on the skin but provides all of the same healing benefits of Manuka Honey.

"There is no better substance on the face of the planet that is more capable of preventing a scar from forming than Manuka Honey," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International. "Manuka Honey naturally lifts scabs from the surface of a wound, allowing the skin to heal evenly. Average wound dressings cannot do that."


Reducing Scar Tissue

Reducing a scar tissue becomes quite a problem to some people. Now, with the advent of formulation using systemic enzymes, reducing scar tissue is easier. With the right dosage and consistent effort for some periods of time, generally the patient condition can be improved.

The formation of scar itself is actually known as the natural process in order to fix the damage of the tissues in human. When there’s a wound resulted from a surgery, a cut, or a disease, the scar will be formed as the healing process. This can happen whether in our skin or internal organs.

Scar tissues, while playing an important role in the body’s repair mechanism, could potentially be dangerous. Fibrosis which is the formation of scar tissues in those who have excessive fibrin in their bodies can be one that leads to that situation. When there is fibrosis in a tissue, the tendon sheaths are thickened, impeding free and normal movement. This can be reduced or erased with the use of systemic enzymes.

How do they work? The ones with serrapeptase and or nattokinase in them have the ability to eat up scar tissue, erase any evidence of injury on our skin or other parts and regulate the normal fibrin production in our body.

It is recommended that a person who seeks treatment for injuries, whether severe or minor condition, to take about three capsules three times a day. As they’re from natural sources, there are no adverse side effects that can be expected from taking them. However, you always need to be cautious on what you consume.

Many enzymes practitioners have used and recommended vitalzym x for an effective treatment in reducing the scar tissue. This natural plant based systemic enzymes is a fibrin fighter that digests the excess fibrins in the blood.


Choosing the Right Scar Removal Product

Whether you are looking to prevent scarring from recent skin damage or reduce the presence of an existing scar, there are many scar removal products offered for both treatment and management. With so many options, however, it may be overwhelming to determine which scar removal product is best for your individual needs. This article will outline which factors you should consider when determining the appropriate scar treatment or prevention.

Before beginning any scar treatment regimen, it is essential to first consult your physician about when it is safe to use products after an injury or surgical procedure. It is also a good idea to ask for a medical opinion on the scar treatment you are considering - even for older, existing scars. There are also many online resources and product reviews readily accessible that provide more personal insights and testimonials.

Next you should determine which phase of scarring you are targeting: prevention, treatment or management. Depending on age, race, location of the scar, and genetic predisposition to scarring, everyone scars differently. If you know based on past experience that you scar more easily or have the tendency to develop keloid scars, you may choose to use scar treatment products during each of these three stages. If you have never encountered complicated scarring, minimal scar treatment may be sufficient.

Typically scar removal products used for prevention are selected when scarring is anticipated such as after a planned surgical procedure, rather than an injury. For best scar healing results, it is recommended that scar treatment begin as soon as it is approved - usually when the lesion is dry. Silicone sheeting is a scar removal product that has shown successful results where scarring complications are avoided altogether. The sheets are offered for both small and very large skin damage and can also be custom fit for irregular injuries. Maximum healing can be achieved if the silicone sheets are applied to the scarred area as often as possible.

During the treatment and scar management stage, scar removal cream can be used for recent scaring as well as older, problem scars. For those treating a new scar, the application of scar cream will speed up healing and allow for the best results. If you have an existing hypertrophic scar that was not previously treated or if a keloid scar has developed on the area of an old injury, scar removal products and creams can also be used for scar management. It is notoriously difficult to improve the appearance of keloid scars, but many scar creams have shown impressive outcomes.

Regardless of the scar healing stage you are in, patience is critical. Some scarring may heal very rapidly, while other injuries may take months for the skin to return to its original state. Always keep this in mind while doing your scar removal product research. Additionally, do not forget that you must be committed to a strict scar treatment plan (possibly over a long period of time) if you want to see the best results.


Get Rid of Scars and Wrinkles

Having wrinkles is not something we all face with utmost enthusiasm. Aging is not something we welcome with arms wide open. Most of us try to intervene with methods that we develop along the way in our continuing struggle against father time.

The problem is many of the methods that are usually suggested, especially those that are tagged as DIY home aging remedies, are actually not espoused by experts because, to state it simply, they do not work. Below are such methods that do not have any scientific and clinical proof to tell us that they are worth the money and time that many people pour into using them in the hopes of a little respite from the ravages of time.

1. Facial Exercises – this can actually aggravate skin wrinkles because one of the causes of pre-mature wrinkling are habitual facial expressions that leave those familiar lines on the face. Furthermore, there is no scientific proof that exercising the face will facilitate the re-building of damaged skin tissues essential to healing scars and wrinkles.

2. Electrical Stimulation – it is known that jolts of electric current causes the skin and facial muscles to "lift" but this is but a temporary effect. There are methods that aim to solve this problem but they are still being assessed for safety and efficacy by the US FDA.

3. Food and Fruit Masks / Oil Treatment – there is no clinical proof that putting food (like honey, banana and egg whites) and fruits on your face will solve facial wrinkles. Rubbing fruit on your face may help in exfoliation but nothing more than that. On the other hand, putting oil (e.g. olive oil) may clog up your pores which can lead to acne.

4. Vitamin E Creams – clinical trials have indicated that vitamin E does not help in clearing scars and wrinkles and may even cause allergic reactions.

What Works?

Aside from the various medical intervention that involves surgical procedures, some topical applications have also been shown to help but you will need to get your doctors prescription for them. They are creams that contain tretinoin or retinol. When used with good exfoliation program that involves effective exfoliants like alpha hydroxyl acid, the chances of success are even higher.

For scars, silicone based scar cream products or creams used with silicone sheets are showing the best promise.

The fight against skin wrinkles is something that many engage in but a huge percentage of those wrinkle warriors are misled into thinking that the four methods enumerated above will help them. Hence, they go about their self wrinkle treatment quite clueless about the fact that the odds are against them succeeding.


Scarring Healing For Sensitive Skin

With all the products available for scarring healing these days, one has to wonder not only how good they are, but if they contain ingredients that may actually be more harmful than good!

Those of us who have sensitive skin may be even more vulnerable, because many ingredients can make our skin even worse, with rashes, and in worst case scenarios, even blisters. Yikes! And what about women who are or may be pregnant, how do some of these products effect their unborn child?

There many different ways a person can get a scar, whether it is from an injury or an operation. Even pregnant women can get scars called stretch marks, which can appear both during the pregnancy and once the baby has arrived.

It is important for scarring healing to begin right away once your skin has been injured. Although there are some effective medical scar removal products available, the ingredients in many of these products are often too irritating for sensitive skin.

For this reason, it is useful to start with more natural solutions to see if these can help, without aggravating your sensitive skin. There are many alternatives to conventional medicine that can help!

For example, Aloe Vera is a cactus plant that has been used for thousands of years for a variety of different ailments, including burns, stomach problems, as well as healing scars. Many people that have suffered from burns have applied Aloe Vera regularly and they find a great reduction in scarring.

Aloe vera is a great natural scar removal treatment, and is gentle for most people, even those with sensitive skin. Even so, everyone's skin is unique and so it is always best to do a skin test first when using any natural or medical scar removal product.

Simply apply the aloe or other scar removal product to the inside of your wrists, the back of your ears or in the crook of your elbow. Wait at least 24 hours to see if you have a reaction. If not, you will likely be able to use the product without an allergic reaction.

Pregnancy, body building, and excessive weight gain can also cause scars in the form of stretch marks. In these cases, you need to start scarring healing right away.

What happens in the case of stretch marks is the skin expands rapidly. Skin does have a certain amount of elasticity, but with fast expansion, it isn't given adequate time, and tears occur.

In this case, you need to help the skins own elasticity, by applying some kind of topical cream or ointment to the area that is being effected. Now there are many different products that can be used, but many of these may be harmful not only to unborn children, but also to sensitive skin. There are alternatives though, Cocoa butter is one, but perhaps the cheapest and least likely to cause skin irritation is simple vitamin E capsules.

Vitamin E is affordable, widely available, and an easy to use way of naturally treating scars. They come in capsule form, and all you do is at the first signs of stretch marks, break them open and apply a generous amount to the area affected.

If you continue to treat your scars regularly like this, you can reduce this type of scarring dramatically. Vitamin E can also safely be applied to healing wounds, as well as operation scars. Because it is a vitamin that your body needs anyway, it can be safely absorbed into the skin without affecting your sensitive skin, or your baby if you are pregnant or nursing.

There are many creams and ointments that contain safe, natural moisturizers like shea butter or cocoa butter, as well as vitamin E. To be sure that you are only applying a safe, natural product to your skin, You should read the ingredients labels on each product.

If there are any other ingredients that you aren't sure about, then write them down and look them up on the internet before you buy them. This way you don't waste you money! There are also many websites that sell products made from only natural ingredients, and you can also find these sites fairly easily.

With just a little extra attention, having sensitive skin need not limit your ability to prevent and treat scars, so that you can enjoy healthy, radiant and beautiful skin!


Scar Removal Product for Sensitive Skin

When it comes to lessening the look of scars on the skin, most people can go to their nearest drug store and pick up some Mederma or similar scar removal product. Unfortunately, the fine print on these products state that people with sensitive skin can suffer from redness, itching and discoloration of the scar tissue.

Did you know that many of the ingredients in scar removal creams and other skin care products can actually cause skin rashes? A quick look at the ingredients list will tell you that there's a lot you may not know about the product you are putting on your skin.

Another challenge with these kinds of products is that for the most part, their effectiveness varies quite a bit. You could easily spend a lot of money, and risk getting a skin rash in the process of trying to find an effective way to remove scars.

What can a person with sensitive skin do to remove scars when the "approved" products on the market hurt more than help?

There are natural methods of scar reduction that work just as well as any scar removal product. Unlike the scar removal product however, these natural remedies will cost far less and tend to be less irritating on the skin. As is the case with any natural remedy, the time it takes to see a change in scar tissue may take a little longer, but the protection of sensitive skin is well worth the wait.

Even more natural scar healing remedies may cause an allergic reaction for those who have sensitive skin, so be sure to do a skin test first by applying a small amount to the inside of your arm, or behind your ear, before trying any new scar remedy.

* Lavender Essential Oil - Research has shown that the essential oil of lavender has medicinal properties that can help to fade scars and assist the skin to regenerate.
* Lemon Juice – One effective natural scar removal product is lemon juice. Simply cut one lemon in half and rub the cut side on the skin for a minimum of three to five minutes, twice a day. The lemon juice will naturally bleach out the skin leaving the scar looking less pink or red. Eventually, the scar will fade into the color of the surrounding skin and appear less noticeable.
* Tomato Juice – If the lemon juice is still a bit too irritating for your sensitive skin, tomato juice will work just as well as a scar removal product. The tomato is also acidic, but less so than the lemon. The juice can be used to bath the scar for the same three to five minutes, twice a day. The reduction in scar darkness and blending with the skin may take a little longer due to the reduction in acidity, but over time, the scar will fade.
* Fuller’s Earth – This is a natural form of clay with natural bleaching and absorbent properties. If your scarring is associated with a skin burn, a normal scar removal product may not work. Instead, mixing two tablespoons of fuller’s earth (also known as multani mitti ) with two tablespoons of lemon juice is a great start to burn scar removal.

Once combined, add enough rose water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the scarred skin and allow to dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Once dry, rinse the skin with cold water. This process can be repeated two times a day to reduce the off color of the scar.

It is important to understand that no scar removal product will truly remove a scar. Scar tissue is permanent unless surgically removed. A scar removal product simply works with the body to fade the color of the scar to match the surrounding skin. Once the two colors match, the scar will only be visible up close. A natural scar removal product will protect the integrity of the skin and eliminate the need for harsh chemicals that may worsen skin conditions for people with skin sensitivity.


The Top Ten Natural Scar Remedies

Many things can cause scars. Acne, accidents, illnesses, surgery…even some vaccinations leave scars behind. They are unsightly and can cause some serious problems under the right conditions. Daily viewing them can cause depression, and some scars can interfere with movement.

Addressing the scar is something that needs to be done. It’s not just for vanity; it can also be fore sanity and freedom of movement. What can you do, though? Quite a bit, actually.

1) Wound care: Taking care of a scar starts at the time of injury. Studies show that using antibiotics such as Neosporin can help reduce the appearance of scars. Natural antiseptics will help as well. Most wounds heal better if kept covered, though a few need air to heal faster. If the wound is gapping, it may need either stitches or steri-strips to hold it together. If this isn’t done, the scar will be much bigger and deeper.

2) Aloe Vera: Minor cuts, scrapes and burns respond well to the gel of this succulent. You can buy it already prepared or squeeze it out of the cactus like leaves. If you do use the plant itself, have some caution as it has sharp, spiny, cactus-like leaves.

3) Calendula: This plant is also called the pot marigold, and can be found in many flower gardens. It is actually a cousin to the garden marigold. The sap from the stems can be squeezed directly onto a wound, and the flowers can be made into an infusion. The plant will help disinfect the wound and speed healing.

4) Cucumber: Most spa patrons know that slices of this fruit can soothe tired eyes and reduce dark circles. A paste made of cucumber can be used as a mask for acne scars. Grind it up and rub it on the skin. Let it sit for twenty minutes, then rinse off. The juice or paste can be used on scars on other parts of the body.

5) Gotu Kola: This herb may reduce inflammation and encourage blood flow to the wound, scrape or burn. It can be used both internally and externally for this purpose. Internally, it may also help you stay calm while dealing with the injury. Be careful with it if you take medications that make your drowsy, as the herb can increase that effect.

6) Olive Oil: When I make oil extractions, the oil I use most frequently is extra virgin olive oil. It has healing properties of its own, and can help reduce inflammation. It may also help prevent infections, and it can help keep the skin moist.

7) Onion: While studies do not yet prove the usefulness of onion gel on scars, anecdotal evidence exists. In fact, in one study, the people who used onion gel felt that their scars had improved. Onions do have some antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can buy the gel, but many people use either a slice of onion or puree it and put that on the scar.

8) Tea Tree Oil: If you can stand the odor, tea tree oil could be useful. It can help keep the skin moisturized, reduce swelling and has antibacterial properties. It should not be used on an open wound, and should not be ingested, however.

9) Turmeric: While most people look to turmeric as a spice, a lot of studies are being done to learn its medicinal benefits. One of the many uses includes wound healing and scar reduction. It can be used both internally and externally. Make a paste and rub it on the scar.

10) Vitamin E: Many people swear by the use of Vitamin E oil on scars. While studies don’t yet support this use, the fact that it’s an oil can help keep skin moisturized, which is very important in reducing the appearance of scars.


Keloid Treatment

A keloid can be defined as an abnormal scar that occurs due to an excess growth of granular tissues. This kind of infection generally takes place on the earlobe and is called auricular keloids. It is very common after ear-piercing. In auricular keloid, a fibrous nodule that is made up of collagen, (which is generally used in repairing wound) is formed. In this case, there is an overgrowth of collagen on the earlobe, which produces a lump.

There are certain key symptoms of a keloid scar. This includes itchiness and pain on the scar, followed by a change in skin texture. These scars are usually darker than the normal skin. Sometimes they can also be pink or red in color.

Treatment of keloid
There are various treatments for keloids. However, none of these are considered to be absolutely effective. These treatments vary in their degrees of effectiveness. Some of these treatments are listed below.

Scar-reducing creams and gels
There are a number of creams and gels that reduces keloids. They are more like moisturizers. ScarAway serum belongs to the group of silicone products and can be used for this purpose. Creams that contain onion extracts are also very useful in treating keloid scars. Hexilak Mederma and Contractubex that are generally used for burns, acne, and piercing, among others, are very effective scar-reducing and is readily available in the market. The patient needs to apply a thick layer of the cream on the ear scar at least twice a day.

As far as homemade remedies are concerned, the liquid extracted from grapefruit seed can to a large extent cure the disease. However, it has to be applied regularly and is not a permanent solution to cure ear keloids.

Scar-reducing dressing
Dressings such as Dermatix and ScarAway have proved to be very useful for reducing scars. These dressings are available at the local drugstore. It is a silicone gel dressing that can be placed over the scar for a few weeks continuously. This helps in reducing the size and appearance of the keloid to a great extent. Once the dressing is done, the person may experience some itchiness. Later, he gets adjusted to it. The treatment is safe and painless. It helps in some are even helpful in alleviating the itching often associated with keloids.

Compression with the help of Silicone Scar Sheets has shown improved results in treating keloids. It can be applied to the scar for several months. A continuous compression for six to twelve months may reduce the size of the scar. The compression can be done by pressing against the scar gently with your fingertips. After a few months, a marked improvement is noticed in the size and appearance of the scar.

Steroid injections
Doctors often give you a steroid injection of corticosteroids. This reduces swelling and improves the overall appearance of the scar. If the scar size is large, two to three injections are given. Although the injections reduce the size of the scar, these are often uncomfortable and painful for the patient.

Surgical treatment

Those suffering from keloids can go for a surgery, but in 50% instances, there has been a recurrence of the scar after the surgery. And it has been observed that the scar that appears again is much larger than the original. Therefore, the operation has to be undertaken with utmost care. However, if the surgery is followed by intralesional injections and covered with a silicone scar sheet, there are less chances of the lump to reappear. Plastic surgery using techniques such as v-plasty or w-plasty, is definitely a more sophisticated way of removing the scar.

Laser treatment
Many people with keloids try out laser surgery as against conventional surgery. Lasers produce a superficial cure by smoothing the scar, thereby making it less visible. However, the bulk of the keloid does not get removed in this method. Doctors often combine laser therapy with steroid injections. The keloid is then covered by using silicone sheeting for better results. The treatment user laser is highly expensive.

Newer treatment
Some of the newer treatment of keloids has shown promising results. Some medicines that are used to treat cancer, such as alpha-interferon, 5-fluorouracil and bleomycin are found to be very useful for treating auricular keloids. However, this area requires a lot more research in medical science.


How to Prevent Scarring

Scars are marks that remain on the skin after the wound heals completely. When the skin is injured, the body produces a substance known as collagen to cover the wound. The collagen is the protein that forms the scar. People suffering from wounds are often concerned about the formation of these unwanted marks. Here are some useful tips to prevent formation of scars.

How to Prevent Scarring

Practicing proper wound care can go a long way in preventing scars. The wound should be treated immediately to prevent infection. In the case the wound is a cut, first clean the area, then apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin, and then cover it with a bandage. Some individuals may not be comfortable using a bandage. For them, petroleum jelly would be a good option as it keeps the area moist and stops collagen production. Do not forget to clean the wound with an anti-bacterial soap daily to decrease the risk of infection. When having a bath, do not aggressively rub the area around the wound. Excessive rubbing can aggravate the wound. This would not only delay the healing process but also increase the chances of scarring. Clean the wound area gently to prevent scarring.

The juice extracted from the Aloe Vera plant is also recommended to prevent scarring from wounds and burns. Apply it daily so as to heal the wound free from scars. The wound area can be further damaged if it is exposed to the Sun. So stay away from the harmful UV rays. One can also apply a Sun block lotion as it contains moisturizers that are helpful to prevent scarring. Direct exposure to the Sun can lead to the development of noticeable scars.

In some cases, use of silicone gel sheets can also help in preventing scars. These sheets are easy to apply, and especially useful for people suffering from deeper cuts. Hypertropic scars or keloids that occur at the injured site can also be prevented by applying these sheets regularly. Onion extract, due to its antibacterial properties may also help to prevent scars. In recent years, medical grade honey is applied to heal wounds effectively. This type of honey contains nutrients, vitamins and amino acids that can greatly decrease the risk of scar formation. This honey provides a unique environment to repair the wound that plays an important role in the reduction of scars. As this honey has no side effects, it is ideal for the wound dressing, and is more capable in preventing scarring.

Having a nutritious diet can also contribute in accelerating the healing process, which in turn can help to prevent a scar from occurring. Drink lots of water and fruit juices, but avoid highly sweetened food. Smoking should also be avoided until the wounded area has healed. This is because smoking does not allow sufficient oxygen delivery to the injured site. Natural home remedies such as application of vitamin E oil unfortunately cannot prevent formation of scars. Rubbing topical vitamin E oil on the affected part can actually trigger an allergic reaction. So it is advised not to use these home remedies to make matters worse. One can also take the advise of a physician to know how to efficiently manage the wound so as to prevent scarring.

Remember, the sooner a wound is treated medically, the lesser will be the chances of developing any scars. The steps aforementioned can definitely help in preventing a scar from forming.


Types of Acne Scars

When pimples, blackheads and whiteheads appear on the skin, a person is said to have acne. It is said to be an inflammatory skin disorder caused by the involvement of the sebaceous glands. Having acne is not only painful, but also causes discomfort to the person. Acne can occur in a person due to hormonal changes, bacteria or hereditary reasons. Most people don't do anything about acne and wait for it to cure on its own. While acne heals on its own, it also gives rise to scars on the skin which are most of the times permanent. Though some of these scars can be cured by proper treatment, they do not make the skin spotless. However, before knowing about the treatment, it is necessary to know about the types of acne scars that can be found on the skin.

Different Types of Acne Scars

It is very common to have mild pigmentation on the skin during the healing process after suffering from acne. This usually goes away after some time. However, if it remains for a long time, it is said to be permanent acne scarring. Acne scars can be broadly classified into two categories, mainly artrophic and hypertrophic. Within these two types, acne scars can be further classified into different types, as mentioned below.

Artrophic Acne Scars

Artrophic acne scars which are caused due to loss of tissue, are those that are most common among the two types of scars. Some of the artrophic scars include-

Ice Pick Scars: Ice pick scars are most commonly seen on a person's cheek, and appear as if they were been made by piercing the skin with an ice pick. These deep and sharp holes on the skin can either be soft scars or hard ones. If not treated on time, ice pick scars can turn into depressed fibrotic scars, which would deepen with sharp edges.

Boxcar Scars: Boxcar scars, as the name sounds, appear to be like wide boxes on the skin. When the collagen in the skin is damaged, tissues are lost giving rise to round or oval-shaped marks. The appearance of boxcar scars are similar to those scars that are left after chicken pox.

Rolling Scars: Rolling scars are those acne scars which are seen on the skin like a wave pattern. These scars occur because fibrous tissues appear between the skin and the subcutaneous tissue underneath.

Hypertrophic Acne Scars

Hypertrophic scars, also known as keloids, are those that arise due to increased growth of tissue in the skin. The main reason for keloids is the excess production of collagen. In contrast to the atrophic scars, where holes appear on the skin, when a person has keloids, lumps thicker than the acne form on the skin. These scars can be seen on the face, back and chest.

Acne Scarring Treatment

Treatment for acne scars may depend upon the type of acne scars that one has. Collagen injection is one of the different methods of acne scar removal. Collagen helps in stretching the soft scars inside the skin and is most effective for ice pick scars. Other treatment measures include skin grafting, plastic surgery, dermabrasion, etc. Laser treatment is also done to get rid of scars.

Although there are several effective treatment methods for various types of acne scars, it may take a long time for the skin to heal properly, and there are chances that some kind of mark always remains on the skin. To avoid all these hassles, it is better to prevent acne scars from occurring. The best option for proper skin care is to consult a dermatologist when acne starts appearing on the skin. Proper treatment and care of the skin during this time will surely help the skin to heal properly, without giving rise to acne scars.



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